Optimization of website code is an integral area of search engine optimization. Search engines use the words associated with certain web code to help determine what your web pages are about. Code optimization entails inserting html tags on your website's pages where appropriate to maximize their effectiveness in boosting search engine rankings. The html tags are used in conjunction with the keywords you've selected to optimize your site around.
Search engines put more weight on certain tags when determining what a web page is about. Code optimization utilizes those tags to gain the greatest advantage for your site. Html tags and attributes that can be used to help rankings include include Title, Headers, Formatting, Alt, Anchor, Meta Keyword and Meta Description. Check out
on page optimizing for more information about usage of these tags for ranking purposes.
Digital Road Consulting optimizes html code on all appropriate web pages in a full website optimization. Alternately, we can optimize your website code without doing a full site optimization. However, I do suggest that you have DRC perform architecture optimization and seo copywriting if you choose us to do code optimization. That will give you a thorough level of onsite optimization. You can then add your own offsite optimization for a complete search engine optimization.