Log files are a gold mine of information about your website visitors. Log files are files which your web host compiles about each visitor to your site. Amongst the information included in the files are your total number of visitors, the previous site each visitor was at, what page in your site they visited before leaving, which and how often the search engine spiders are visiting and for what search terms visitors are searching to find your site. Log files also provide the opportunity to mine more advanced and detailed information.
Proper log file analysis can reveal new search terms which you may want to target, uncover the value of certain web pages to visitors and indicate whether your site is doing an effective job converting visitors to customers.
In response to log file analysis, you may decide to optimize for additional search terms. Additionally, you might add or refocus content on certain pages to retain visitors. If you find weaker than expected conversions you'll want to make sure your copy is written with the intention of directing a visitor to perform a certain action. If it's not, you'll want to consider reworking it.
Log files should be examined regularly so that you understand how your website and search engine optimization is performing.
Digital Road Consulting performs monthly log file analysis with each comprehensive website optimization. You can also contract us separately to monitor and report on your log files.